Particle-wave dualism

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Ilija Barukčić


According to the French physicist and Nobel Prize laureate Louis-Victor-Pierre-Raymond Broglie (August 15, 1892 – March 19, 1987), 7th duc de Broglie, generally known as Louis de Broglie, any moving particle has an associated wave. The greater the energy of a particle, the larger the frequency and the shorter the wavelength. Thus, everything that is, seems to be composed either out of particles or out of
waves. But, in a particle, wave/s can be found and vice versa. In a wave, particle/s can be found. Only, the one excludes its own other. A wave is not a particle and vice versa, a particle is not a wave. Can both exist, each without its own other or is the wave the local hidden variable of the particle and vice versa. Is the particle the local hidden variable of the wave. This publication will prove that the basic relationship between particles and waves is based on Einstein's basic field equation, too.

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How to Cite
Barukčić, I. (2007). Particle-wave dualism. Causation, 2(2), 15–78. Retrieved from